Name: Mark a.k.a. mmarkerr
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Zodiac Year: Horse
Location: Scarborough

Angelo :: Mark H. :: Lendl :: MaryWardMedia :: Edit

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

With the GOOD, comes the BAD (#1)

Communication technology has significantly evolved and it has unquestionably changed the way we communicate with one another. We have cell phones, computers, pagers, portable video game consoles, cameras, etc. These pieces of technology are very helpful to everyone and to some it is something they cannot live without. Yes, today's communication technology has many advantages but there are its disadvantages that should not be pushed aside.

So let's start with the advantages. One example of a communication technology is the cell phone. The cell phone is probably the most useful piece of technology right now because people can use it anywhere at anytime and you can even put it in your pocket. If there's an emergency you can easily get the phone and start dialing as opposed to running to a phone booth and inserting quarters. Another example of communication technology is the television. With the television, companies are able to advertise their products to millions of people everyday. Not only products but also services, like Bell's internet solution.

The list of advantages can go on but I will also focus on the disadvantages. If there are advantages there will be disadvantages. The cell phone for example. Yes, it can be used anywhere but conversations are less private because you will be talking in public around a number of people. Also, since the cell phone is portable and small, it is easy to get stolen or lost. The disadvantages of television include addiction and exposure to negative content. Television is addictive because when there is a dramatic show, people continue to watch as they want to find out what will happen next. How does it expose people to negative content? Well, since all ages watch television, they can flip to any channel and see many different commercials. Commerials about clothing or weight loss, send negative messages. Clothing commercials make the viewer want to purchase the advertised product, even if it may be expensive. The weight loss product or service tells the viewers that being thin is healthy and it is the "in" thing.

In conclusion, communication technology does have its advantages but at the same time disadvantages. People should use these pieces of technology carefully and wisely.


Blogger MARK said...

sick a$$ page! Thats impossible!

8:59 PM  

Hey Mark,

Very good blog, you pointed everything. I have nothing else to say. It's true that the modern technology is very useful but it has it's disadvantages. You made good points for both advantages and disadvantages. Good Job!

PS: Nice page, pretty cool stuff.

3:46 PM  
Blogger MCALA said...

hey mark!
i really like all your examples put in this entry.
i also like how you mentioned the disadvantages of commercials, and how most send out negative messages.
good job

6:35 PM  
Blogger Neil said...

Hi Mark, I agree with all your views(similar to mine hehe)

Nice entry overall.

7:32 PM  
Blogger MARK said...

Hi Mark it's Mark

Technology is what we make it. you're perspective on technology is well thought out and it's true that it comes with many pros and cons.

Bravo =)

10:49 AM  

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